Failure Fans These Flames

Losing, failing, and rejection is hard, but you’re bound to experience them if you’re trying. If fact, the more you try the more you’ll fail; and we should be okay with it. I often share wins and opportunities, but for each of these comes even more failures. You just don’t hear me talk about them much—I swear this isn’t a pity party.

My latest failure happened about a week ago when the work I submitted to a gallery in the city made it through the first round of consideration but was ultimately rejected. Yeah, I was pretty bummed, but fuck’em. Failure is fuel. For as long as I can remember when I’ve lost or been doubted, it just makes me want to prove them wrong. So that’s what I’m gonna do.

Who else is a member of the losers club?

Lisa Champ
Fueled by the things that keep you up at night.

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