pan con hotdog (Hotdog Sandwich)

When my brother and I were kids, growing up in Peru, my mother used to pack us lunch almost everyday. And even as a little kid, I could tell what the economical situation was like in our household, based on the lunch she would pack for us. It was usually pan con huevo (egg sandwich) or pan con mantequilla (bread with butter). BUT in some rare occasions, my mother would get bougie and send us to school with Pan con Hotdog. Essentially, it was a hotdog sandwich, except we didn't have hotdog buns, that was TOO bougie... So my creative mother would put the cut-up, fried hotdogs in between two wonder-bread slices and would throw a generous amount of mustard on it. During those days, for lunch, I was royalty, walking just a little taller than the rest of my classmates. In my head, I was eating like a prince.

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Posted on Sep 15, 2020

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