Day 2: Credit Card Payment
I'm challenging myself as I do the DailyUI challenges. So I may not complete them on the same day I get them. This one was actually a bit of a weekend project.
I decided I wanted to design the flowers. leaves and vines from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. I have not used Illustrator a ton, but I have years of experience with Photoshop, so I could finagle my way around!
I came about this idea by looking at Coolors at one of their most popular palettes and got the idea of something related to plants. I had to add a brown so I could have a readable text color. I added the iterations I did for the leaves and flowers. I was relatively happy with how everything came out. I wanted something simplistic but homey in this design.
I used some community assets available on Figma for the credit card, payment methods and the watering can, seed, and address icons.