RJ Hodges Speaks Brand Development
Hello Dribblers!
I hope everyone’s day is full of creativity and progression and remember that you can do anything that you want just do not give up!
I am wrapping up the brand development for RJ Hodges Speaks this week so I am passing along the final logo and brand colors and moving on to some new and neat brand projects so stay in my bubble!
This week I am working on a construction website, real estate new brand, and a imported good company, once I have more progress, I will keep you updated, this way you can see how I do things and maybe we can connect. So, follow me and I will return the favor!
My brand of the day – I can remember when I was first starting out in the print industry, I was intimidated by millions of dollars in technology while I was at the United States Pentagon. I know one thing, I quickly learned how to churn out effective designs quickly while making my clients happy, that’s what we as designers try to do…right?
If you are new or a seasoned designer, my wisdom to you is learn one area of design and master it but remember that you have to enjoy designing in order to design at an elite level. So concentrate on an area that you like the most and run with it through applications and speed will come with time.
Well till next time…BMANN Design – Follow me here or on Behanced: https://www.behance.net/brianmann