Happiness - Cookie Calculator
I’m participating in the Daily UI design challenge. Once a day I get topic, and some details on a design to work on. Here is today’s:
Topic: 004 - Calculator
Prompt: Design a calculator. Standard, scientific, or specialty calculator for something such as a mortgage? Is it for a phone, a tablet, a web app?
I so happen to be eating a box of chocolate hazelnut cookies whilst drinking some tea when I started this project. My initial plans were to remake something like a mortgage calculator or some other calculator.
By the sixth cookie (no judging) I had different plans. And here we are - the cookie calculator. Add your cookies, rate your tea, add your milk and rate your chair. Calculate to get the result!
Side note: if I designed the next screen - im pretty sure it would include an animated super happy person for most calculations. Eating good cookies is guaranteed to improve ones mood!
I was going to source a spiffy cookie illustration from somewhere - but it took too long to find one. So I sketched one up myself. Turned out not bad!