Red Fox Branding (Logo, Icons, Business Cards, Website)

As Fruitful has grown from me working out of my basement 7 years ago to an agency that serves some of our region’s best companies, we needed a guide to help Fruitful build the processes that would help us continue to serve our clients well as we grow. 

Red Fox Consulting founder Jason Rothfuss had helped some of our clients get strategic clarity, communicate vision, and lead their teams well, so we knew he could do the same for us. 

And he did. Jason helped us identify long term vision and short term plans to reach that vision. Then he taught us how to communicate that with our team and hold each other accountable to those goals. 

Today, we’re proud to launch Jason’s new website and introduce his branding to the world. So many organizations and businesses will benefit from Red Fox Consulting’s guidance just like we did. 

If you’re a business or organization leader, check out Red Fox Consulting to get traction towards your goals! 🦊

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