Hylian Shield Render
When I first started working with C4D I thought it would be the coolest thing ever to make some of the models from my favorite video games. However, it was wayy too difficult and I had no idea how to even approach a project like that at the time. So instead I set a long term goal for myself and said eventually, sometime hopefully soon, I could at least do something simple like the Hylian shield.
I'm happy to say a year later in my 3D journey and I'm totally on my way to accomplishing that goal. I'm really proud of my progress and I'm totally in love with C4D as my main 3D package.
I like to think it has more of the Ocarina of Time look with a splash of the color from the Links Awakening remake. Also, I spent way too long dialing in that blue so it had the good purple pearlescent so I'm highlighting it here so it doesn't go unnoticed!
Once my PC has a graphics card in it I'm thinking of taking it into SP to get some more detail out of it. More on that later.
Anyway, here's the first of many! I hope you like it! ✌