Kyrios + Co
This was a handyman in my community that has been serving the Houston area for over 20 years. He has a website but it's confusing, full of errors, and has nothing tying it all together, not even repeating the same colors throughout. His logo was a clip art of a bunch of tools that were blurry and hard to make what it was or it's purpose. He also had way too many things listed that he does like handyman, roofing, construction and remodeling, painting, and cleaning. He did have one thing going for him, well two. He had a never-ending amount of great reviews and he had a handful of awards.
I started with the logo. After combing through his website for relevant material I pitched an idea to divide his business structure creating 4 departments and it's on the logo. So we created a construction, painting and remodeling, roofing, and cleaning. His company name is Kyrios and co Handyman but on all of his material, it is written as KYRIOSCO. We seperated the two and scratched handyman all together and instead called Kyrios + Company Home Services. By using the same 3 colors and two font types on everything, it is clear that each of the 4 are connected and operate together.
After that we used the colors for business cards, stationery for estimates, letters, envelopes, put the logo on a few shirts, hats, hard hats, and some magnetic signs for his vehicle. Now there is no question about who he is and what he offers.