256 Hi-Res Stock Image Pack + BONUS
I decided to make a HUGE stock photo pack from photographs I have taken in the past few years. This pack includes photographs from all over the world: Spain, Egypt, Canada, USA, Argentina, Brazil, France, Belgium, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam... featuring styles like sunsets, streets, monuments, fashion, details, sun light, nature, markets, people, colors, texture, forest, landscapes, skyline, cities, bokeh, blurred backgrounds, etc... For an introductory price of just $9!
Here is the full contact sheet of the 256 images: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3182943/contact_sheet.jpg
What's included: - 256 Hi-res photographs from all over the world in JPG format. *BONUS: 256 Hi-res Blurred Image Backgrounds.
So that's right, a total of 500+ images, perfect for website backgrounds, wallpapers, theme headers, cover images, print design, etc... I just want you to have fun with them! :)
View here: http://crtv.mk/dT9g