Daum Webtoon Website Re-Design Case Study: Home page

Anybody reads Korean Webtoon or English translated Korean Webtoon? Well, I do both. So, webtoon is good entertainment for me. I decided to do a re-design case study on Daum webtoon because I felt that the Daum webtoon website could be better to its counterpart Naver comic. Although Kakaotalk (a chat app that's popular in South Korea) bought Daum and Kakaotalk has Kakaopage, it just doesn't beat free webtoon you can read on a website without logging in and if you wait patiently.

If you want to know more about my validation with translation, feel free to check out my portfolio: www.sun-kim.ca

HA! I forgot that it's not in English. Still, the changes I made were to add ranking system on the top, bigger advertisement space, cleaner header look, text alteration and home button.

Also, Dribbble, you should make a draft button for people paying for the pro! I mean, they get a multi-shot, but no draft button...come on. I don't have the pro, but having no draft button at all is a bit weird. Or does Dribbble have a draft button? Comment below!

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