Holler: Steps

The steps when registering is important for understanding the preference for volunteers to coordinate their conversation around each student and also to register as a volunteer. It's a singular flow that makes it easy and simple to become a Holler volunteer at one's associated school.

Identifying the school part helps the student to be notified of the mental health school resources, how many holler volunteers are available in their school or identify the closest schools that may connect them to a Holler volunteer.

I didn't add the map interface or available resource page because that would require another whole configuration from this interface for a personal pet project.

I had this uploaded previously, but I changed colours since I felt that maybe the button fonts were hard to see.

Here is a short prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/c4tCXhMZsLrzsB7L7Jztq9/Untitled?node-id=1%3A53&viewport=107%2C184%2C0.511593222618103&scaling=min-zoom

Here is my website portfolio if you want to check it out: www.sun-kim.ca

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