Holler: Profile
The profile is actually important in this app. So I only made one interface for the profile mostly since the other interface difference was +add friend button just underneath student text and volunteer availability.
The more option at the top allows one to change email (must be school email), password and preference and also the volunteer role so anyone using the app can become a volunteer (but, hard to turn the option back to no; if done so, one can never become a volunteer again, it helps to let the volunteers know to think twice before quitting or just committing initially-this will be double-checked when the email confirmation is sent).
But, you can do an off button as a volunteer to take a break from volunteering for a certain amount of time) and from the more option, choose the time to volunteer.
But, this configuration meant I had to make a whole batch of profile interface when it's really a simple pet project so I left it as it is.
Oops! I deleted the initial post due to realizing a spelling mistake on the design. It should be fixed now!
Here is a short prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/c4tCXhMZsLrzsB7L7Jztq9/Untitled?node-id=1%3A53&viewport=107%2C184%2C0.511593222618103&scaling=min-zoom
Here is my website portfolio if you want to check it out: www.sun-kim.ca