Holler: Holler feed
A simplified anonymous feed where there is no like, report, and share indication. It's all about just reading while being in the present. One can freely interact with the feed by using clap, holler, and like button but, how much they interacted with won't be shown in public. In your profile, you can view the interaction count from your written feed. The written feed is not permanent; it will be deleted after 24 hours or taken down if it's offensive while you maintain the interaction count on your profile.
Here is a short prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/c4tCXhMZsLrzsB7L7Jztq9/Untitled?node-id=1%3A53&viewport=107%2C184%2C0.511593222618103&scaling=min-zoom
Here is my website portfolio if you want to check it out:
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