Holler: mental app iOS for students powered by students
Finally~! Finished version of Holler (a personal pet project of mine). Holler is a mental health chat platform for University and College students who often have a difficult time dealing with stress and anxiety during the course of the study period and especially now with COVID-19.
The idea is that it's run by student volunteers for the students! Clearly, they can't give any expert advice on diagnosis, but I think listening and talking about mental health and the everyday problem with someone else greatly reduces stress.
Feel free to comment or like!
Here is a short prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/c4tCXhMZsLrzsB7L7Jztq9/Untitled?node-id=1%3A53&viewport=107%2C184%2C0.511593222618103&scaling=min-zoom
Also feel free to check out my portfolio website: