Telesoftas Website
New branding- new digital language in website! 🖤
The goal Reflect software house "Telesoftas" in a digital world. Finding a perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics.
Animation Coherent and engaging animation is key to visitors attention. One of the main rules of animation is set on the site: movement and growth, as Telesoftas main slogan is "step forward". This is reflected in all website elements. Main symbol hexagon enlarges into fullscreen video on click. Other site parts like menu, articles and buttons have motion based on movement forward- smooth animation from left to right is used.
Design A combination of minimal design, bold typography together with vibrant colors accents creates an atmosphere of creativity but still remains very professional. This creates a good visual hierarchy, and makes it possible to understand what’s important at a glance.
👇👇👇 TeleSoftas