Fuck This Shit
It's been a horrible year for everyone and I have to say I'm getting really over it. I know everyone else is too. It would be nice for things to go back to normal. 🙏 Praying that next year will be. The nice thing about it, is that I have been working from home since March. I enjoy working from home more than being in an office. So much more stress free.
The one thing that has been upsetting me during this time is not really being able to experience the fun and exciting moments of having a normal gender reveal party or baby shower. Still trying to figure out how the Husband and I are going to do a baby shower. The gender reveal I have no problem just doing a live video but the baby shower part is going to be quite difficult. Might be planning an early shower and just have family and friends drop off gifts at the house. Then I'll do a live video later to open them or something. I know with the technology we have now it's possible to do amazing things. It's just one of those things that it's my first and only child I plan on having and I won't get to experience the normalcy of it. I know there are others soon to be Mothers that are feeling the exact same way I am! Especially when I haven't been able to have my Husband experience going into any of my prenatal appointments either. I don't want to ever think of 2020 after it's over.
Anyway sorry for my rant. I also plan on making this into a sticker! If you swipe left I have and example of them from the website StickerApp! They will be up for sale once I get them!
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