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For all the mockups https://www.behance.net/gallery/101424753/Adobe-Rebound What makes a good design? Visual Design: 40% Research and Planning : 60% Well, all these figures are just personal and defined by me when it comes to Design, I found it quite practical and thought of sharing it. 1). Forms Yeah this is it that I feel like is important to research for this shot What makes a good form? Lets bring in some resources, https://ux.stackexchange.com/questions/11121/what-makes-a-good-form
Also one more parameter which is good to consider by designer as well as Developers, PLACEHOLDER'S : Make example of placeholders obvious and general. For example, Name field (input box ) We all know that names are only Alphabets (Except if you are Elon's son)
Another considerable example is regarding Username, usernames are unique Identifier they can contain names numbers and permitted special char. What does above tho example actually conclude? For the placeholder of name make it obvious by breaking down Fields like First Name and Last Name with providing sample inputs like "John" & "Doe". For Username, Make it something like "John_Doe99"
Image used in creating the abstract for hero : Danita Delimont / Getty Images https://www.thoughtco.com/greek-god-who-carried-world-shoulders-117215
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