Musopad Business Card Design Exploration

Musopad Business Card Design Exploration!

I decided to design a simple business card for Matt. He didn't request this as part of the project but, It turned out to be a fun little mini-project for me! πŸ˜‰

To keep in theme with the rest of Musopad's branding, I brought all of the brand colour schemes together that I created, using the gradient swatch as a lovely front, and all the relevant information on the back alongside a stacked version of the logo.

I wanted to keep the design as minimal as possible as that was the overall goal for Musopad's branding, and I think this really tops off everything I've done and brings the whole brand together.

I can't wait to take on more projects like this in the future, and hopefully, you'll see more work from me, and Musopad when it comes to Matt looking at getting some physical versions of his notepad product printed.

Thank you for viewing my work πŸ’™

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