Focuss Ratings

Working on the rating UI for Focuss. Full pixels attached.

The idea is pretty simple: users can upload images, and receive feedback on their photography skills, in the form of the ratings shown above, and comments on each image.

The idea is that users will earn a 'score' within the app. This will then be used so that, if a user has a low score for 'composition' they will be pointed towards articles and online courses to help them improve that aspect of their photography.

I'm hoping to get some of my photographer friends to put together some great tutorials as part of the app, but that might come as a later stage.

For those camera weilders among you, I'd love some feedback on the following:

* Is the feedback too subjective? Could the four aspects for rating be something different, or is it too simple?
* Would you prefer to upload your images directly, or have them pulled in from an external API automatically (e.g. Flickr, Picasa)?
* Anything else you can think of?

More by James Dinsdale

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