Google Ads Total Results by Campaigns HerzKopf Agency
Creation Google Ads for «HerzKopf Partnervermittlung» Agency:
Total Budget EUR 435.91
Text Ad in the Searching Network (Target CPA) for the «HerzKopf Partnervermittlung» Agency.
Campaign type = Search Engine
Budget per day = EUR 10,00
Impressions = 1 185
Interactions Clicks = 59
Coefficient of interaction = 4,98%
Avg. price = EUR 0,44
Cost = EUR 25,84
KMN Display AD (Target CPA) for the «HerzKopf Partnervermittlung» Agency.
Campaign type = Display Network
Budget per day = EUR 10,00
Impressions = 501,578
Interactions Clicks = 1 909
Coefficient of interaction = 0,38%
Avg. price = EUR 0,20
Cost = EUR 385,10
YouTube In-Stream AD (Manual CPV) for the «HerzKopf Partnervermittlung» Agency.
Campaign type = Video
Budget per day = EUR 10,00
Impressions = 1 814
Interactions = 313 views
Coefficient of interaction = 17,25%
Avg. price = EUR 0,07
Cost = EUR 21,52
YouTube Discovery AD (Manual CPV) for the «HerzKopf Partnervermittlung» Agency.
Campaign type = Video
Budget per day = EUR 10,00
Impressions = 9 869
Interactions = 88 views
Coefficient of interaction = 0,89%
Avg. price = EUR 0,04
Cost = EUR 3,45
1) Search Engine Marketing (SEM),
Text Ad in the Searching Network – Search Engine (Target CPA),
YouTube In-Stream AD,
YouTube Discovery AD,
KMN Display AD (Target CPA). 2) Account Management on Google Ads for the «HerzKopf Partnervermittlung» Agency 1st Quarter 2018.
3) Total Results:
Interactions Clicks, Views – 2 369,
Impressions 14, 446,
Avg Price EUR 0,18,
Cost EUR 435.91
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