Holler: mental health chat app run by students for students

Holler is a mental health chat platform for University and College students who often have a difficult time dealing with stress and anxiety during the course of the study period and especially now with COVID-19, there is an air of uncertainty going back to school for higher education students.

The idea is that it's run by students for the students! Clearly, they can't give any expert advice on diagnosis, but I think listening and talking about mental health and the everyday problem with someone else greatly reduces stress.

Here is a short prototype of first interface, sign up, login function: https://www.figma.com/proto/c4tCXhMZsLrzsB7L7Jztq9/Untitled?node-id=1%3A53&viewport=107%2C184%2C0.511593222618103&scaling=min-zoom

Adjusted the presentation and updated the frame to iPhone x. Added chat wireframe. Feel free to write a comment or advice for adjustments! (Made using Figma by a fledgling ux/ui designer :)))))

More by Jeanny Kim

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