This Could Be Anywhere... – Dumb Fun, Playlist Artwork
During lockdown, I’ve been enjoying making playlists, that no one listens to. It reminds me of when I used to DJ, years back, to a bar of about 5 people, most weeks. Anyway, with 3 playlists done, I wanted to change the cover art up up again. I also really wanted an excuse to use the awesome looking Misto font, by Katerina Korolevtseva –
During lockdown, I’ve been enjoying making playlists, that no one listens to. It reminds me of when I used to DJ, years back, to a bar of about 5 people, most weeks. Anyway, with 3 playlists done, I wanted to change the cover art up up again. I also really wanted an excuse to use the awesome looking Misto font, by Katerina Korolevtseva –