Just Justice

In response to the protests and the outrage at police brutality, I have heard on more than one occasion the question raised: What about black on black crime? This response I find very concerning because it attempts to change the issue at hand. I think we all agree that crime is bad; however, this is not a conversation about which group commits more criminal acts or who kills the most. If that’s the game that we are playing everyone loses. The question that should be asked at this time is this: If we are not willing to demand having a just justice system, how can we even begin to start talking about having a just society?

A wise man once said, “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit, for each tree is known by its own fruit.” If we are to live in a just society, we must first make the roots of that society good and everything else will follow.

Jared Owen Snavely
Providing Quality Vector Goods & Services
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