Heuristic Rule 02 - Medium Apps

Hi Designer Folks! Continue to share my knowledge about UI design guideline from Nielsen and Molich’s 10 general principles for interaction design.

Heuristics Rule Number 2
“Match between system and the real world”
The system should speak the users’ language, with words, phrases, and concepts familiar to the user, rather than system-oriented terms. Follow real-world conventions, making information appear in a natural and logical order.

All highlighted interfaces on this post is how this rule is implemented in interface design.

When conducting a Heuristic Evaluation on interface design that is intended to find usability problems at heuristic point 2, Match between system and the real world.
I usually make a question like the following:

1. Are UI elements and interactions easily recognized?

2. Does the online experience replicate the familiarity of offline actions and behavior?

3. Does the product use acronyms, technical terms, or jargon that needs explanation? If acronyms are used, are they read clearly?

Feel free for leaving your comments, constructive feedback is welcome. 🙏

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