
Some may look at tigers as a species to be fearful of and one that may devour us under certain circumstances.

I think of them as one of the bravest and most beautiful animals to have walked the earth considering being stronger than the lion and most other animals in terms of physical strength yet rarely picking a fight, much like the women of this world who have fiercely survived through years. Every beautiful inch of them tells a story. A story of their journey, a story of their survival. If you're going to go out there and live your best life with your heart on your sleeve (which by the way, you should), it's going to come with a certain amount of healthy scars - some of which will physically show on your body, like stretch marks.

Stretch marks don’t just appear as part of aging but are a normal part of living. Many, or we ourselves may point it out and talk about how we need to get rid of it and how much better our body would look without it but I personally feel like, women need to take a stand against maybe even their own beliefs and say “Not only have I lived, made the best of life and endured what life's thrown at me, but I’ve got proof and a body that tells my story.” Gentle reminder: you don’t HAVE to be the kind of pretty others want you to be, you don’t owe prettiness to anyone.

Be you, live fiercely and nurture that tigress within you the right way.

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