Somebody Set Up Us The Pre-Alpha Roguelike

Hello Dribble,

A good friend of mine and I have been working on a little randomly generated rogue-like game. This is my first real jump into pixel-art, but it has been a really fun learning experience so far. I thought this might make for an interesting first Shot!

So far we have a basic wall and corner set, 4 doors, and a floor tile. The light grey floor is a placeholder, but represents hallways generated by the game.

Since the core of this game is to randomly generate things, it is my hope to have many tiles for each instance (e.g. door-right), as well as random overlay artwork (puddles, cracks, torches, etc) to make the game more exciting.

Don't mind the creeper-face debug filler tile as well.

Love, hate, suggest - thoughts are welcomed!

Image work mine, all coding via Marcin.

Andrew Colclough
aka h00j_nerd_10k rolling crit fails with ink and watercolor
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