Happy Mac Boot/Login Logo

This "Happy Mac" isn't so familiar because it was used by Apple on Jaguar (10.2) beta for a brief time.

Fortunately, Pierre Dandumont on his blog (french) succeed to extract it properly, and I decided to redraw it to use it as boot/login logo on my MacBook Pro.

If you want to do the same, download it, use BootXChanger to apply boot.png, and copy the apple(_s1)(@2x).png files in
/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LoginUIKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LoginUICore.framework/Resources/. Et voilĂ  !

Disclamer : I'm not responsible of any damages that could happen after applying this images, while there isn't any risk, if something happens, I'm not responsible.

Thank you, and Happy New Year, and Happy tweaking !

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