The Pocket Icon
I am not an icon designer by any stretch of the imagination. The intricacies of icon design escape me and I'm not the most patient of designers either.
That said...
Here are two shots I took today at an icon for Hello! Ranking's work-in-progress iPhone companion application. Jen cutely named it Hello! Pocket, so our first inclination was to be literal about the whole thing. Well, that didn't quite work out.
On top of that, Jen wanted the icon to tie in more with Hello! Ranking and the visual style I had developed for it, which is where the 2nd icon comes in. While I've shown you guys the right side of the new header, the inset letters are what's on the left.
Hopefully, this is what you'll see when we—you know—get that far.
(I held on to wanting to be literal about it, but the more I look at the first icon, the more I start to dislike it. Icon design takes practice, that I know, I just—seem to lack something that everybody else on Dribble seems to have when it comes to it—which is probably practice. :P)