Heritage - Spread

TL;DR: Take care of what you put out in the world, it can be something you'll be remembered by. Might as well make it good.
For my 100th post this year, I wanted to create something symbolic. Initially thought of a poster, ended up in a spread. I hope you'll like it.

Not so long ago, I read an article that got stuck in the back of my head for a while. Particularly a paragraph that mentioned our ability to be remembered through our work, and possibility inspire future generations:

"Our creations not only resolve issues, but also embody the capability to succeed the afterlife. Indirectly, our creations are a node that can connect us to an infinite state of being. We create not only for practical functions but to leave the traces for a conceptual dialogue with the future humankind."
→ Written by Mane Tatoulian, extract from 𝘈 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘙𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳
Full article available at manetatoulian.com/journal/a-human-reminder
To me, this is a double-sided coin, over which we actually have control. We can transcend time for the better or worse. Since our work reflects who we are, or who we work for, it brings to light the importance of asking ourselves: "Will I be proud to have left this mark on the world 10/20/50 years from now?"

One could also wonder, will that mark last in time, or am I not perpetuating the endless cycle of renewing everything, to the exhaustion of our resources?

Let me know how you feel about this is the comment.

Thanks for reading, have a good one 😊

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