NetBase Pro and Instant Search User Research
After successful feedback on Instant search and before we moved forward with building Pro, we needed to fully understand what users would want from a "mid-level" platform build
To fully understand the users and their needs before beginning to build out the Pro offering
We had a general direction from many users who wanted an easy way to get data without having to jump into the core of the product.
We built this as a skunkworks project, so we had lots of leeway to explore the capabilities of our visualization library (highcharts) and worked on using already existing data we were collecting for enterprise product and reimagining the visuals for a more updated UI.
We need to fully understand our users and their needs in order to build a product that will be widely adopted alongside our enterprise offering
The biggest challenge on this research project was getting permission to speak to users. This team had the idea that the salespeople were the only people who could talk to the clients and therefore I was completely shut out from recruiting without the sales team involved, which was extremely painful.
while having to have them involved in recruitment I finally got them to understand the scope of what I was doing was outside the scope of what they were doing and for the most part they would simply make introductions and leave me alone to do what I needed to do.