NetBase Pro: Card Concept
We needed a compact, expandable format that would allow multiple types of data coming from multiple sources to be shown on the dashboard
The card concept came from a couple different places. The first was from looking at a competitor (Sprout Social) and the second was we had the basic idea of "modules/components" that were editable in the enterprise project, but not to the level of the card format. Looking at these two things together allowed us to come up with the card concept
We believe using the card structure, alongside the tabular structure they reside in, give us the ability to not only to present the data clearly and cleanly but will allow us to grow as additional features and data is needed
How do we show all these different kinds of data in a visually appealing and meaningful way?
We worked through many different permuations of what a single and multiple card could be and we came up with the best formats for all the data types we currently had in the enterprise platform