NetBase Enterprise: Fluctuation Analysis
Users need to gain quick insight into large fluctuations in data in order to address issues - both good and bad - that may came up
The idea of crisis management is a huge selling point for the enterprise product offering. The concept of this analysis came from the conversations had on the product team about how to expand the ideas we had of positive and negative sentiment on posts and allow users to identify spikes in data and deep dive into them to quickly gain and understanding of whats going on
We believe fluctuations in data need to be made visible in the platform and they need to be able to be dug into to be able to see the root cause of the fluctuation
The conversation about "what was a fluctuation" and what was the specific parameters that would be determined to be a large enough fluctuation to trigger the analysis was the hardest part to grasp for this feature, as we determined this could be different for each type of person
We determined that the fluctuation would at first be determined programmatically by our data analysts and then in subsequent versions of the feature we may give the user more granular control over determining what that is