HP Access Catalog: App Payment
While building the HP Access Catalog platform, we realized we needed a way to manage payment and billing of app deployment to specific teams seamlessly within the app
Platform managers would be able to manage proper billing to the appropriate teams within the platform
Payment, as I designed it, was not what was finally implemented. Right before I left we went from the "individual payment" to a more "accounting based payment" where payments were assigned to teams instead of having to be paid individually
We believe teams need to be able to keep track of applications for budgeting purposes
We believe administrators need a way to manage how payments are collected and to set the payments on the platform
We needed to figure out how payments were going to be processed. In the traditional app stores (iOS/Android) an individual user paid for their apps via credit card or other means. Was this the way we wanted to go with this enterprise platform?
The original idea, which you see here, is more in line with a traditional e-commerce model and was the original concept - after a time, the team decided this wasn't the right approach however I did not design the new approach as I was ending my contract with the company at the time this change was being made