Security Compliance Dashboard

Users are bringing their own devices into the company and using them to access internal, and sometimes confidential information, but managers have no insight into if these devices are compliant with necessary company security policies

Individual users will be able to maintain security compliance across all their devices and managers will be able to see reports on compliance across all their reports

1. List of Devices
2. Compliance details
3. Tree view of reports

We believe device compliance will be achieved if users are able to see and update it in this platform.

We believe if managers have access to their report's device compliance, they will be able to increase the compliance overall on their team

Users will use this platform for their own devices when coming on board.

Manager training and publicized on the main intranet platform

The most challenging thing about this project was how to show and report managers chain of reportees when the chain was complicated (as in managers who have managers who report to them who also have direct reports) Once we came upon the tree structure, which we came to after some trial and error, we were able to confidently address this issue

Chose a tree like reporting structure and an overall compliance view

More by Catherine Hicks

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