Facilities Management

Facilities Managers and their associates need to be able to manage meeting room's health and utilization for maintenance and planning.

They also need to be able to see details on specific meeting rooms to be able to troubleshoot the scheduling and see the utilization of these rooms

Managers will have access to all relevant data across all buildings they manage to make appropriate decisions on resource allocation and meeting room management

We came up with many ideas, but ended up with the drill down procedure to be able to see both globally (campuses) and detailed (individual rooms within individual buildings) views

We believe the facilities team will be able to maintain rooms via a singular platform and that this will allow them to do their jobs more efficiently

The biggest assumption we made in the beginning of this was assuming we could build one platform that would address all needs of the different members of the facilities team in a meaningful way?

This project was quite a challenge for me in terms of thinking of how to organize large data sets in a manner that would allow it to be cut into many different sizes and types of pieces. It really helped me focus on data driven design in a more structure way that I took forward to other roles down the line How to set the data structure in a manner where all users could get what they needed easily was probably the biggest challenge of this project

We tried many different approaches - some that addressed one user group specifically but then lacked the details for the other.

When we finally came up with the idea of using what is basically a tree structure, we hit upon the manner in which every person who needed access to the data could drill down in ways that were meaningful to them.

More by Catherine Hicks

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