After looking for ways to collect feedback from users in a way that was effortless for users and developers, as well as cost-effective and lightweight, I created Feeder — a solution that, in my eyes, served my purpose better than requiring users to send an email to deliver feedback or integrating and paying for a heavyweight solution such as Intercom. After using this project in a few personal projects, I decided to open it up for other developers. This project was developed by and for the hobby developer, but should suit the needs of any (moderately) sized project.
Features 🚀
- Collect Feedback: Collect and view feedback for across your React apps in a sortable data table as part of Feeder’s admin dashboard
- Customize Freely: Match the component to your project’s style guide and color scheme (see props for more information)
- Export your Data: Export project-specific feedback to CSV
- Share Projects: Add unlimited collaborators to projects
- Turnkey: Set up Feeder in less than 5 minutes and in 3 lines of code
If you want to see what it looks like in a live application, as of July ’20, Feeder is currently being used by the team over at Exponent (https://www.tryexponent.com/guides/google/apm-interview) as well as IB Vine (https://ibvine.io/).
Would love to hear feedback from anyone and happy to answer any questions. :)
Links 👇
- Visit ProductHunt Page: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/feeder-2
- Visit Component Demo/Playground: https://feeder-xi.now.sh/
- Visit Feeder: https://feeder.sh/
- View Medium Post: https://blog.bitsrc.io/start-collecting-feedback-from-users-across-your-react-apps-with-feeder-sh-5b2f6852e6e0
- View Repo & Docs: https://github.com/rishipr/feeder-react-feedback