MARCO POLO - map exploration
I wanted the map to reflect the timezone of the location, so that when a user makes a request(marco) to the other side of the pond, one will not be oblivious of the time differences. This may be quite important, since all requests are time-sensitive.
Picture tells a thousand words and so does Marco Polo.
Request a photo of a specific location for any purpose (MARCO) and users near there will snap a photo for you (POLO).
Ever wondered how long the line is at your favorite lunch spot? or its daily specials? or what's in the clearance section of your favorite brand? or how crowded that bar is right now? or what the weather is in the city before you head out? or just want a real time photo of the Eiffel Tower right now?
MARCO POLO is a location-based & crowd-powered app that connects users to gain & provide the most updated information via photos.
-- this is my own personal project that is re-skinned and beefed up with extra features that I had planned while working for Utah Street Labs. The original app that I worked on is called Blindspot --