Pink Unicorn Illustration
This illustration was created for the upcoming one-woman show, "The Pink Unicorn," which is a part of the upcoming season for Out Front Theatre Company. The show focuses the story of, Trisha, a Christian widow, living in a conservative Texas town, whose life is thrown into turmoil when her teenaged daughter announces she is gender queer and starting a chapter of the Gay and Straight Alliance at the local high school. Since the show focuses on one, central character we choose to represent her with an illustration so that we weren't too specifically representing the actor playing the role (which had yet to be cast when the illustration was completed). We also wanted to include some elements that were whimsical to show the humor in the production and you can see that included in the final promotional artwork. Of course, with the title of the play, we had to render everything by relying heavily on the color pink which was a fun challenge as well.