I´m currently working on a bunch of UX, wireframing and documentation for a big iOS project for Pad and Phone.
It might not be the most beautiful shot since it is just a simple photo - But hey... This is what I´m working on.
I encourage every single one of you to wireframe every single screen, modal, alert view or pop up in your design to prevent problems in the future. Also do the UX work and do a proper documentation not only for the developers, but also for every other team member of yours (or your clients). Everybody will appreciate those things.
The execution of beauty is not needed. Just design robust and simple wireframes. I've seen too many shiny and beautifully designed wireframes on dribbble or other platforms which gives me the impression that some people mistaken the need of wireframing with beautifying a document which is so essential to understand the process and UX instead of just looking good. That's all folks. Have a good one!