Gallery5K FB Event Graphic

Hi dribbbadribbbadingdongs,

Here is something I just wrapped for Gallery5, one of my very favorite places in Richmond. It’s hard to believe it’s been well over 3 months since I’ve been there. In-person art shows and concerts are still not super possible, so G5 has been branching out and finding new ways to engage with the city. This 5K has a route that takes you by some of the great street art and murals of RVA. Pretty awesome.

Do y’all have any experience painting murals? It’s something I’d like to do one day. One of those items on the ol’ bucket list. How’d you do it? Who’d you do it for? Leave your stories in the ’mments.

Hoping that you’re feeling level and clear on this Wednesday.

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Brent McCormick
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