T-Shirt Express Ohio Logo Redesigned by The Logo Smith

Client: T-Shirt Express
Designed: 2011 (still in use)

Probably one of my most ripped off logo designs…

It has been said that I simply used some clip-art for the train, so thought I'd get all my tear-sheets together, and put many of the various train/track iterations up on display.

Started very basic as you can see top-left, then a case of exploration of train styles, track styles, typography, etc until we end up with the chosen one, bottom-right.

→ Case Study & Project Page: T-Shirt Express


The Logo Smith aka smith.™


The Logo Smith aka smith.™ – a British freelance logo designer extraordinaire – has over 28 years commercial experience, in: Logo & Brand Identity Design; Logo & Brand Redesigns & Updates; Icon Design; Label & Packaging Design; Social Media Branding; WordPress Development (SEO, Security & Performance); Lithographic & Digital Printing; Reprographics; Advertising & Marketing.

More by Smithographic – Logo Designer & Digital Design Studio.

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