CSS3K : Advanced CSS3/HTML Designer and Editor in the Cloud
In Alpha testing. the first version of this editor has basic features like support for textmate themes and a great css,html pane, preview window, and a side panel with easy to insert in your code CSS3 properties at the click of a button. While it's initially designed for editing small advanced css3 snippets, it can easily edit and parse a 20MB text file without the slightest speed hiccup.
The editor has keyboard support, and in the future connects to github, or any of your online files, as well as support for css shorthand like {less}, scss, sass, and a host of libraries.
Hopefully we'll release the invites to test the alpha in the next week.
If anyone is interested in building the ultimate editor (We can do anything your desktop editor can do and more) or has ideas or suggestions please hit me up at kizer@me.com. Eventually I plan to use the editor to replace all my other tools.