Jovly Invites

Hey guys, i got this little project im cooking up called jovly. You probably all have seen the snap shots I posted but allow me to tell you guys what its going to be. (@jovlynews) is a targeted destination for web & creative professionals, to find each other and for employers seeking to hire them.

How does it work? In order to keep this community from becoming the next criaglist and to insure top quality opportunities, we obligate everyone to fill out a quick application witch will be reviewed by our staff. If you qualify and we think your fit to contribute to this community you will receive an invite to create an account via mention on twitter & email with in 24 hours.

Jovly's job board offers 4 types of posts 1. Full-time ($25) 2. Contract ($10) 3. Freelance ($5) 4. Equity ($1)

we charge per post strictly for one reason to ensure our viewers that there looking at the real deal.

now theres one more thing and yes this one is free. every member will have a Jovly ID. whats a jovly ID? very simple its an ID issued to every member with his or hers current availability status. (witch could be edited by the user at any time) so just incase your not looking to hire people would know if your looking to get hired as well!

with all that said i am glad to announce that will be live on March 25th!

to get up-to-date info on what were working on follow us on twitter @jovlynews and to watch our invite board follow us at @jovlyinvites

hope to see all of you soon =) thoughts and comments....

More by Didi Medina

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