Prototyping & Biometrics Dashboard

It's been a week of prototyping and working out the details. The first attachment shows a dashboard with all of your biometric data, each card showing the most recent measurement. The second attachment shows the next step, where you can see in detail, the history of each biometric.


I've been using Flinto this week and have been really enjoying it. I've been prototyping the way this feature works on mobile, which you can see here:

(You can interact with Biometrics and Conditions)

A little more on the design process

As we redesign the PHR, rather than trying to tackle the whole thing in one go, we're taking a modular approach, focussing on a different feature each week. This is good for two reasons, firstly it fits in with our agile development cycle, a feature can be designed one week and then built and shipped the next. Secondly, it allows us to focus on the core user needs of each feature, without being clouded by the design of the rest of the app. Prototyping each of these features is an important step, allowing us to test interactions across multiple devices before they go to development.


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