Screenshot at Jul 02 00 18 11

Hi! My name is Valerie, I'm married, and we had a son, six months ago, named Danya. My spouse and I have been together for more than fifteen decades. We have always had a very close relationship: Along with becoming husband and wife, we have always been best buddies. I can not state that it was consistently easy - we had a fight, obviously, but due to some family nonsense we never seriously talked about the breakup. Everything changed a couple of decades back, after the arrival of a child - there were completely new issues. Although initially what was going alright: the pregnancy itself was undergoing tenderness, love and awaiting a wonder. We were helped in this circumstance, just a psychologist Now I am employed as a car mechanic in a service station, but for the most part I'm a manager here. Most often the car mechanic is the person who directly spins the nuts. There is, for instance, a car mechanic from the transportation department, who works in global companies. However, our car service is modest, so the position from the workbook is nevertheless recorded as a car mechanic. My hobby helps you to stay in nice shape, both mentally and emotionally. I run anywhere: home, on vacation and on business. It is not a weight for me, it is a break. After all, it is my favorite hobby. Even when my buddies and I go to shish kebabs, we together organize competitions to run among ourselves at the countryside. It's beautiful! While running, I'm filled with the power of freshness, joining with the universe. This feeling is impossible to communicate. It has to be met in your life. I am an auto mechanic by profession. I have higher education in my specialty, I graduated in the Institute, specialty -"Automobiles and Automotive Industry". Higher education open you more horizons. These five decades go by for a motive. It doesn't imply that I remember everything following the institute and can compute any formulation. But by touching it becomes evident that a knowledge is still being put off.I'm not saying that now everything is perfect, but I think we are far in the abyss. I know, of course, that we are not likely to have this connection. And I think it's good that we are moving on.