why coronacure ?

The world wasn't ready when the coronavirus hit & we fell... real hard but that doesn't have to be the case when we find a way out. This is a case study of a mass vaccination product that will facilitate the smooth resurrection of the normal life.
This is a non-profit project and we are further open sourcing this on Github & Behance so that techies and designers from around the world can simply plug n play and further improvise on it. The platform will be available on Github by July first week.

Here's a case study crafted with love. ❤️

See it on Behance  

Check the project on Github  

See the story on Medium  to dive deeper into my process

Follow my journey on Instagram  

People I'd like to thank

Gaurav Rukhana   • Product designer
provided amazing illustrations. introduced me to manrope, my current font obsession and suggested this beautiful color scheme

Himanshu Singh   • Developer
is taking up the mammoth task of bringing this open-source & non-profit product to life on Github.

Rajat Kushwaha   • 3d designer
helped with 3D corona cure badge renders in the middle of his juries.

Thanks & stay safe

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