Use Case: Presto Card Mobile App (redesign)
A Presto Card is a contactless smart card that is used to pay public transit fares in Ontario, Canada.
The main use of the mobile application available is to top up the card balance, but a mobile app can do so much more!
I conducted some interviews and was able to discover two main user pain points from its users:
1. Users love the idea of being able to transfer as many times within a two-hour window, but there was no way of tracking it.
2. There was also no way to track how much they spend on public transit except to simply topping up the smallest amount whenever they have insufficient funds.
My redesign includes the following:
1. Transfer Window timer:
- A count-down showing the time remaining in the transfer window
- A visual representation of how much time is left
- A unique notification (beep and vibration pattern) goes off at 5 minutes remaining
2. Presto Tracker:
- A donut chart to illustrate where and how much was spent on the different participating public transit services in Presto
- Suggests available transit passes based on the spending pattern and how much money can be saved
View prototype here: