Nymi Band Website

The Filament team and I recently had the pleasure of working with the amazing folks at Bionym to brand and design the site for their new, awesome, wearable biometric tech - the Nymi.

*Edit* After reading this great blog post, which I agree with whole-heartedly, I wanted to add a little bit more background into the design decisions made for this project.

The initial target demographic was to be consumers, but after extensive audience research and considering the open source nature of the tech, we knew our target audience was the very people who'd be building the apps for Nymi - developers. From that research stemmed a number of important design decisions based around the following goals:

1. Show developers the endless possibilities afforded to them with the Nymi API and SDK.

2. Let developers know that there's a strong company and community behind this product.

3. Get developers and consumers alike to discover the Nymi and it's potential and then ultimately pre-order.

It's always a pleasure to work with a partner who not only appreciates great design and attention to detail like we do, but understands that great design solves real problems. We couldn't be happier for them. Congrats on a successful launch! You can pre-order a Nymi for yourself at www.getnymi.com.

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