Red Guava logo
If I'm honest, I've always struggled with logos. In the past I've always been guilty of jumping straight into Illustrator and trying to cram the first letters of the brand name together into some kind of hybrid letterform. You know the thing, like where an S might hook into the circle of an O, or something like that... I'm sure some of you guys on here will know what I mean ;)
Anyway, by some miracle, the two letters I am dealt this time around actually combine to make an interesting shape of sorts. This is just a kick-off. If the team think it's worth pursuing, I'm sure that spending longer than the five minutes I have on it would take it somewhere more interesting.
My fear is, as I mentioned a couple of shots back (, that something this clean and simple will be kind of stifling. But then I guess it would also be an interesting challenge: to use colour, typography and geometric shapes to maintain a dynamic and interesting brand and website over a long period of time. When I think about the character in that previous link now, I worry that it might be a cheap fix, or a lazy design trick.