WeGroup - web design

Recently we launched our brand-new website at WeGroup!

The challenged proved to be more than we anticipated, but thanks to joined forces of the whole team we got there.

Does it mean the website is finished? I think we were aware very early in the process, that in some sense it never will be. Therefore, the page was developed in Webflow. Webflow’s interface together with a built-in CMS solution will make future edits easier, not only our Developers and Designers, but also for other team members busy with HR or Marketing.

Throughout the process I was responsible for: UX, creating assets and data visualisations, support in UI design, support in development, support in project planning and project management.

Main goal of the page: to encourage potential users of WeGroup’s insurance software - Louise - to create a free trial account.

To see full website, go to wegroup.be.

I’m curious to hear your thoughts!

More by Agnieszka Kania

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